Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ignore This Post - No, Really

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Please pardon the intrusion but a friend just told me about a website called BlogLovin which I'm attempting to play around with. Apparently, I will be able follow all the blogs I read in one place without having to deal with Google Reader ( I am not a fan of Google Reader but until now I did not know of a good alternative.) In order to "claim" my blog on BlogLovin I need to insert the above link into a post to prove the blog is mine. So that's what I'm doing.

Normal service will resume in a day or two with a post on my enormous binder of recipes.


  1. I have switched over the bloglovin too. I need to "claim" my blog?

    1. Well, you only have to claim it if you want your blog to show up as yours on your bloglovin profile. You prove it's your by including a link they give you in a new post (hence this post). There is a link called "claim your blog" on your profile.

      Feel free to share a link to your blog (yes, I know I'm nosy) and thanks for being my first comment :-)


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